prayer in the holy city of tsfat
Awe and trembling, passion, sweet words of persuasion, beseeching, searching.
True prayer is life itself, electric, dynamic, and utterly transformative. It forges a channel between heaven and earth, binding Creator with creation. Prayer is beyond time and the source of miracles. Who can fathom the sheer power of simple heartfelt prayer? Although often dismissed and neglected, sincere prayer stands at the very heights of the universe. Anything is possible with prayer.
According to the Holy Arizal, Tsfat sites directly beneath the heavenly throne where the effect of every thought, whisper and action is amplified on high. Today, upon the exact site where the Ari and the great kabbalists lived centuries ago, there is a place of prayer and learning that shakes the heavens by those who understand its secret. In the Great Breslev Synagogue, the radiant and majestic Shabbat Queen is welcomed there each week on the seventh day, drawing peace, joy and blessing into the world. At the close of Shabbat, prayers ascend for a good week, a week of renewal transformation, and the miracle of life.